




Portfolio website

Why hugo ?

Because it’s blazing fast and easy.

Fast ? Hugo is a static site generator it means no ressources searching accros the web to load css style. Everything is generated by hugo in the same place so loading time is : none.

Easy ? site generator means that Hugo use a template to create every page of the website so that you don’t need to care about html, css and all that once you made your page blue print.


The Keyword is simplicity.

Cookies is made to be eat not to be on a webpage, so no cookies here. Next

Tracking is poopoo, no trackings or even google analytics things aroud here. Posts and projects writing is made to be straight to poit, time is money man. I can continue like this but i will cut words to not have a 12inch page.

no “non-invasive newsletter”, check RSS instead no insta, facebook. no superficial effects, it’s a portfolio not a fragance lunching page right ?

The theme

Ok, like i said the theme is simple with no complex css style code.

This part of the project was a bit a pain not to lie. Documentation about it is quick with no enxtended explanations.

So, i looked others theme and tried to understand as best as i can and the result is not bad.

What i learn

Little bit of go… tiny bit. HTML to write the base and CSS to style it.