Hugo website
How to create, lunch and configure a Hugo Website
Create a site
Easy once again, first install Hugo :
#On ArchLinux
pacman -S hugo
Now create site :
hugo new site name_of_site
BOOM website is created, easy.
we want to see our page :
hugo server
Nothing will appear, you need a theme and add content
Add theme
Here we will use my theme or you can go to hugo website and search for one.
cd name_of_site
cd theme
git clone
I explain on my theme github page how to use it.
Add content
Now it’s the final contdown, joke. It’s the final step.
hugo new content content/name_of_content
Everything is set, you can now adjust how you want hugo.
You can change the way hugo create your content.
By default hugo creat content and put it in draft, it mean it’s a content in process so it will not show up until you change the draft = true to draft = false
When you use hugo command to creat a new content it read the file inside the folder archetypes.
cd archetypes
1 +++
2 title = '{{ replace .File.ContentBaseName "-" " " | title }}'
3 date = {{ .Date }}
4 draft = false
5 +++
"" 5L, 103B
Changing draft = false means every time you will create a new content, it will be not be a draft.